Sunday, February 22, 2009

Banana face

Atticus got to try some banana a few days ago. Things we have learned:
1. we like banana.
2. we hold our own spoon
3. we have no idea how to get the food from the spoon to our mouth.

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Two sickies on a couch

So both boys are sick; we got to make two seperate trips to the ER last night, one for Atticus who had a wicked fever and one for Jake who puked everywhere upon entering the ER. Everyone is fine and on various medications. Dave and I are so tired that it's insane.
They are kinda cute once they stay still and stop puking.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Beast!

Atticus's stats from the doctor:
weight= 21 lbs, 1 oz = off chart
head cir.= 18.5 inches = 85th %
height= 28.5 inches = off chart

so, umm, he's big.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

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Monday, February 16, 2009


The laundry and dishes are yet to be done but I did figure out how to fix my camera. Note : taking apart a digital camera is NOT for the tender hearted. I thought I was going to puke when I got it into 108 seperate pieces.
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We are into knights.

Sir Jacob and the Beastly Brother (the dragon) were in a terrible battle for the attention of the very tired and spit up upon princess mommy. They both won. Some how the princess was not rescued, but being a resourceful princess, she rescued herself and ordered take out.

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Jake's Valentine's Party

I was in charge of the school Valentines party so I finally had a reason to sneak my camera into the classroom.
The little girl he is playing with is Belle.
The little boy is Arlo.
And the teacher is Ms. Jean.
There ya go.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Just punking around...

Jake has been practicing with my camera (before it broke yesterday) and is doing really well. He took the picture of me right after I took the picture of him. Later we went for a hike to Kameiake Butte.

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