Ok, I have been busy. Really really busy. So most of you have no idea what's going on in our little world. Which is probably for the best.
You see, when I post pictures on the blog they highlight my cute kids doing amusing things. This is great, but it would not be the reality of our lives closing out our first year in Cville.
You might wonder what our daily life looks like right now. Imagine stalagmites of laundry springing up out of the floor of every room. Cobwebs that have solidified into three dimensional fly graveyards. We've moved past dust bunnies; the bunnies have evolved into dust rhinos, and those suckers are fierce. The piles of articles have begun to show signs of becoming their own form of intelligent life. The laundry, have I mentioned the laundry? THERE IS SO MUCH LAUNDRY!!!!
Sigh.... two more weeks, one more business trip, and then peace. Right? RIGHT? ;)