Well things here are about the same. We are on week six of poor littlest monkey being sick. The drs (of whom, no offense to my sweet father in law who is the exception, I have never had any great like of) still can not figure out what is wrong. They have ruled out: infection, food poisoning, e-coli, parasites, worms, bowel cancer, bile duct disorder, pancreatic cancer, lupus (it's never lupus, right Dr. House) and a myriad of other stuff. My kid looks like a pin cushion. They are now certain that it's just "one of those things" which is fine, but really doesn't help the situation. So, having spent nearly two months hiding out in the house I am taking the monkey out for some adventuring. I am not sure that a trip to the Richmond zoo is going to help whatever is wrong with my littlest monkey, but I seriously doubt it can hurt. After that, well, I am taking him to the homeopath who will, no doubt, isolate and treat within a week. Cause that's what I get for not trusting my instincts. Please forgive sleep deprived mothers their moments of both doctor lust (that'd be when they miraculously "fix" our little ones and we believe them to be Gods) and moments of doctor disgust (when they prick your kids with needles repeatedly cause they cannot find a vein). Ok, rant over.
1 comment:
poor Atti...and poor you! good luck at the homeopath xoxo
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