Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Boys are gross. Like seriously seriously gross. I feel like an anthropologist exploring the origins of a horrid and grotesque culture that modern ethics would outlaw despite being deemed "culturally insensitive." Atticus is no grosser than Jake; however, it is his endless mimicry of Jake that has illuminated just how gross Jake was.
Case in point : Licking

Jake has taught Atti a new trick. They lick stuff. Specifically they lick each other. And, should the little gremlins stubble across a resting and peaceful parent, they lick us. I recognize (and shutter) that there are a great many vastly grosser things they could lick. However, the receipt of such a lick is sooooooooo foul. It starts with a giggle. The giggle gets doubled by the wee one. Then they extend their freakishly long tongues. I feel like a sleepier and vastly crankier version of princess Leia attempting to avoid the friendly licks of Jaba da bebe. Then they scamper off to find someone else to lick. Giggling and hugging each other. There are no words to describe how much delight we get from seeing them enjoy each other's company so much, but it is an exactly equal amount of sketched out that we feel when they look at each other with "wicked" little glares and yell "LICKIES!"

Freaking gross, dudes.

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